Agencies » St. Louis Metro

Route Schedule for 16-St Clair Square on Sep 23, 2024


(16-St Clair Square stop list)

Branch NameFirst StopStart TimeLast StopEnd TimeTravel Time
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center4:59:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr6:13:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back4:59:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr6:13:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main5:18:00AMCollege Transit Center6:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison5:18:00AMCollege Transit Center6:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr5:18:00AMCollege Transit Center6:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main5:18:00AMCollege Transit Center6:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison5:18:00AMCollege Transit Center6:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center5:29:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr6:43:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back5:29:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr6:43:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr5:48:00AMCollege Transit Center6:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison5:48:00AMCollege Transit Center6:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison5:48:00AMCollege Transit Center6:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main5:48:00AMCollege Transit Center6:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main5:48:00AMCollege Transit Center6:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center5:59:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr7:13:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back5:59:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr7:13:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main6:18:00AMCollege Transit Center7:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr6:18:00AMCollege Transit Center7:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison6:18:00AMCollege Transit Center7:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison6:18:00AMCollege Transit Center7:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main6:18:00AMCollege Transit Center7:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back6:29:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr7:43:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center6:29:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr7:43:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main6:48:00AMCollege Transit Center7:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr6:48:00AMCollege Transit Center7:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison6:48:00AMCollege Transit Center7:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison6:48:00AMCollege Transit Center7:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main6:48:00AMCollege Transit Center7:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back6:59:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr8:13:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center6:59:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr8:13:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main7:18:00AMCollege Transit Center8:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main7:18:00AMCollege Transit Center8:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr7:18:00AMCollege Transit Center8:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison7:18:00AMCollege Transit Center8:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison7:18:00AMCollege Transit Center8:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back7:29:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr8:43:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center7:29:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr8:43:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main7:48:00AMCollege Transit Center8:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison7:48:00AMCollege Transit Center8:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main7:48:00AMCollege Transit Center8:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr7:48:00AMCollege Transit Center8:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison7:48:00AMCollege Transit Center8:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back7:59:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr9:13:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center7:59:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr9:13:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison8:18:00AMCollege Transit Center9:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr8:18:00AMCollege Transit Center9:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main8:18:00AMCollege Transit Center9:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main8:18:00AMCollege Transit Center9:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison8:18:00AMCollege Transit Center9:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back8:29:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr9:43:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center8:29:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr9:43:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main8:48:00AMCollege Transit Center9:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison8:48:00AMCollege Transit Center9:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison8:48:00AMCollege Transit Center9:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main8:48:00AMCollege Transit Center9:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr8:48:00AMCollege Transit Center9:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back8:59:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr10:13:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center8:59:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr10:13:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main9:18:00AMCollege Transit Center10:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison9:18:00AMCollege Transit Center10:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main9:18:00AMCollege Transit Center10:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr9:18:00AMCollege Transit Center10:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison9:18:00AMCollege Transit Center10:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center9:29:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr10:43:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back9:29:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr10:43:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison9:48:00AMCollege Transit Center10:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison9:48:00AMCollege Transit Center10:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main9:48:00AMCollege Transit Center10:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main9:48:00AMCollege Transit Center10:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr9:48:00AMCollege Transit Center10:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center9:59:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr11:13:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back9:59:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr11:13:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison10:18:00AMCollege Transit Center11:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison10:18:00AMCollege Transit Center11:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr10:18:00AMCollege Transit Center11:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main10:18:00AMCollege Transit Center11:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main10:18:00AMCollege Transit Center11:28:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center10:29:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr11:43:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back10:29:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr11:43:00AM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main10:48:00AMCollege Transit Center11:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main10:48:00AMCollege Transit Center11:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison10:48:00AMCollege Transit Center11:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr10:48:00AMCollege Transit Center11:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison10:48:00AMCollege Transit Center11:58:00AM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center10:59:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr12:13:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back10:59:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr12:13:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr11:18:00AMCollege Transit Center12:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main11:18:00AMCollege Transit Center12:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main11:18:00AMCollege Transit Center12:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison11:18:00AMCollege Transit Center12:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison11:18:00AMCollege Transit Center12:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back11:29:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr12:43:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center11:29:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr12:43:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison11:48:00AMCollege Transit Center12:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison11:48:00AMCollege Transit Center12:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main11:48:00AMCollege Transit Center12:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main11:48:00AMCollege Transit Center12:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr11:48:00AMCollege Transit Center12:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back11:59:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr1:13:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center11:59:00AMMadison County Transit Ctr1:13:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison12:18:00PMCollege Transit Center1:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison12:18:00PMCollege Transit Center1:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr12:18:00PMCollege Transit Center1:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main12:18:00PMCollege Transit Center1:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main12:18:00PMCollege Transit Center1:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back12:29:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr1:43:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center12:29:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr1:43:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr12:48:00PMCollege Transit Center1:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison12:48:00PMCollege Transit Center1:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison12:48:00PMCollege Transit Center1:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main12:48:00PMCollege Transit Center1:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main12:48:00PMCollege Transit Center1:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center12:59:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr2:13:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back12:59:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr2:13:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main1:18:00PMCollege Transit Center2:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison1:18:00PMCollege Transit Center2:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main1:18:00PMCollege Transit Center2:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr1:18:00PMCollege Transit Center2:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison1:18:00PMCollege Transit Center2:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center1:29:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr2:43:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back1:29:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr2:43:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison1:48:00PMCollege Transit Center2:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr1:48:00PMCollege Transit Center2:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main1:48:00PMCollege Transit Center2:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main1:48:00PMCollege Transit Center2:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison1:48:00PMCollege Transit Center2:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back1:59:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr3:13:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center1:59:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr3:13:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison2:18:00PMCollege Transit Center3:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr2:18:00PMCollege Transit Center3:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main2:18:00PMCollege Transit Center3:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main2:18:00PMCollege Transit Center3:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison2:18:00PMCollege Transit Center3:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center2:29:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr3:43:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back2:29:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr3:43:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr2:48:00PMCollege Transit Center3:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main2:48:00PMCollege Transit Center3:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main2:48:00PMCollege Transit Center3:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison2:48:00PMCollege Transit Center3:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison2:48:00PMCollege Transit Center3:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center2:59:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr4:13:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back2:59:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr4:13:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr3:18:00PMCollege Transit Center4:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main3:18:00PMCollege Transit Center4:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main3:18:00PMCollege Transit Center4:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison3:18:00PMCollege Transit Center4:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison3:18:00PMCollege Transit Center4:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back3:29:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr4:43:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center3:29:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr4:43:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main3:48:00PMCollege Transit Center4:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison3:48:00PMCollege Transit Center4:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main3:48:00PMCollege Transit Center4:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr3:48:00PMCollege Transit Center4:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison3:48:00PMCollege Transit Center4:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center3:59:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr5:13:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back3:59:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr5:13:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main4:18:00PMCollege Transit Center5:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr4:18:00PMCollege Transit Center5:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main4:18:00PMCollege Transit Center5:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison4:18:00PMCollege Transit Center5:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison4:18:00PMCollege Transit Center5:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center4:29:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr5:43:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back4:29:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr5:43:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main4:48:00PMCollege Transit Center5:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison4:48:00PMCollege Transit Center5:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison4:48:00PMCollege Transit Center5:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main4:48:00PMCollege Transit Center5:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr4:48:00PMCollege Transit Center5:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back4:59:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr6:13:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center4:59:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr6:13:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison5:18:00PMCollege Transit Center6:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main5:18:00PMCollege Transit Center6:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr5:18:00PMCollege Transit Center6:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main5:18:00PMCollege Transit Center6:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison5:18:00PMCollege Transit Center6:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back5:29:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr6:43:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center5:29:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr6:43:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main5:48:00PMCollege Transit Center6:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison5:48:00PMCollege Transit Center6:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr5:48:00PMCollege Transit Center6:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main5:48:00PMCollege Transit Center6:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison5:48:00PMCollege Transit Center6:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TCollege Transit Center5:59:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr7:13:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To Collinsville TSwic Ring Road N on Back5:59:00PMMadison County Transit Ctr7:13:00PM1:14:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main6:18:00PMCollege Transit Center7:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main6:18:00PMCollege Transit Center7:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison6:18:00PMCollege Transit Center7:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison6:18:00PMCollege Transit Center7:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr6:18:00PMCollege Transit Center7:28:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To St. Clair SqCollege Transit Center6:29:00PMSt. Clair Square Macys Entrance7:30:00PM1:01:00
St. Clair Sq - To St. Clair SqSwic Ring Road N on Back6:29:00PMSt. Clair Square Macys Entrance7:30:00PM1:01:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaHill S on Morrison6:48:00PMCollege Transit Center7:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMorrison E on Main6:48:00PMCollege Transit Center7:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaCenter E on Main6:48:00PMCollege Transit Center7:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaMadison County Transit Ctr6:48:00PMCollege Transit Center7:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaChurch S on Morrison6:48:00PMCollege Transit Center7:58:00PM1:10:00
St. Clair Sq - To St. Clair SqCollege Transit Center6:59:00PMSt. Clair Square Macys Entrance8:00:00PM1:01:00
St. Clair Sq - To St. Clair SqSwic Ring Road N on Back6:59:00PMSt. Clair Square Macys Entrance8:00:00PM1:01:00
St. Clair Sq - To St. Clair SqSwic Ring Road N on Back7:59:00PMSt. Clair Square Macys Entrance9:00:00PM1:01:00
St. Clair Sq - To St. Clair SqCollege Transit Center7:59:00PMSt. Clair Square Macys Entrance9:00:00PM1:01:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaSt. Clair Square Macys Entrance8:00:00PMCollege Transit Center8:58:00PM58:00
St. Clair Sq - To St. Clair SqSwic Ring Road N on Back8:59:00PMSt. Clair Square Macys Entrance10:00:00PM1:01:00
St. Clair Sq - To St. Clair SqCollege Transit Center8:59:00PMSt. Clair Square Macys Entrance10:00:00PM1:01:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaSt. Clair Square Macys Entrance9:00:00PMCollege Transit Center9:58:00PM58:00
St. Clair Sq - To St. Clair SqCollege Transit Center9:59:00PMSt. Clair Square Macys Entrance11:00:00PM1:01:00
St. Clair Sq - To St. Clair SqSwic Ring Road N on Back9:59:00PMSt. Clair Square Macys Entrance11:00:00PM1:01:00
St. Clair Sq - To College StaSt. Clair Square Macys Entrance10:00:00PMCollege Transit Center10:58:00PM58:00


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TransSee by Darwin O'Connor. Follow on Twitter.