• : 602 at Rose Abbey / McCallum going Express - Innovation / Highway 15
Prev Stop | Next Stop | Near Stops | Schedule | Set Destination
1: 13 - 17 Mins
at . 1:41 ahead of Vehicle 1359 Load 78%?
aprchg Downtown Only
2: 35 - 45 Mins
at . 3:20 behind Vehicle 1825 ↩
aprchg Rose Abbey / St. Martha on route 601 Only
3: 51 - 1h10 Mins
at . 5:16 behind Vehicle 1504 ↩
at Rose Abbey / St. Martha Only
4: 1h08 - 1h14 Mins
at . 0:36 behind Vehicle 1359 ↩
aprchg Downtown Only
Stop and shelter at Innovation / Highway 15 (north side) out of service from Monday, August 19 until further notice due to construction. Board Route 601 at a non-accessible temporary stop one-half block east (toward Discovery), or at the accessible Route 602 stop at Innovation / Highway 15 (south side). Started Wed Aug 14
The Kingston Water Taxi to CFB Kingston runs from Crawford Wharf (1 Brock Street) every 25 minutes. The schedule is available at https://www.1000islandscruises.ca/watertaxi/. Started Fri Jun 28
Bagot Street has reopened, and Express 601/602 buses have returned to regular route. Started Mon Sep 16 Until
Add stop (different agency)