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Agencies » Mississauga MiWay

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 • : 44-Mississauga Road at North Hyde Mill Cres on Falconer Dr going 44 N Mississauga Road To Meadowvale

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1: 0:14 Mins
at . 0:44 ahead of Vehicle 0813 Load 109%? Many Seats Occupancy: 20%
at Hyde Mill Cres on Falconer Dr Only

2: 16 - 19 Mins
at . 2:02 ahead of Vehicle 1002 Load 92%? Many Seats Occupancy: 20%
aprchg Outer Cir on Mississauga Rd Only

3: 35 - 38 Mins
at . 2:23 ahead of Vehicle 2246 Load 96%?
past Eglinton Ave on Mississauga Rd Only

4: 54 - 59 Mins
at . 1:20 ahead of Vehicle 2258 Load 103%?
past Millcreek Dr on Erin Mills Pky Only

5: 1h13 - 1h18 Mins
at . Waiting 6:43. 1:37 ahead of Vehicle 1909 Load 96%?
past Meadowvale Town Centre Drop Off Only

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TransSee by Darwin O'Connor. Follow on Twitter.