Current time: 1:11:28PM Refresh
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• : 75 - 3rd St Station to the Veteran's Hospital at 6th on Shenandoah WB
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1: 7 - 10 Mins at 1:18:39PM. 2:52 behind 1:18:00PM Vehicle 1904 Load 94%? Many Seats ←75 - Third Street Station to Veterans Hospitalat 3rd St Station Slip B Only
2: 1h07 - 1h10 Mins at 2:19:09PM. 3:40 behind 2:17:00PM Vehicle 1904 Load 98%? ↩ 75 - Third Street Station to Veterans Hospitalat 3rd St Station Slip B Only
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TransSee by Darwin O'Connor. Follow on Twitter.